About Journal

 The Journal of Earth and Space Physics (JESP) is a quarterly Journal (three issues in Persian with English summaries and one in English) that was started in 1971 with the aim of publishing articles in all research areas of Geophysical Sciences. JESP accepts papers in all fields of Geophysics including: Earthquake Seismology, Engineering Seismology, Exploration Seismology, Geomagnetism, Gravimetry, Satellite Gravimetry, Geodesy, Geoelectric, Meteorology, Atmospheric Physics, Air Pollution, Tide, Luminescence Dating, Physical Oceanography, Solar Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Sciences and other related areas, for publication.

Information Journal


* Title: Journal of the Earth and Space Physics

* Publisher: University of Tehran Press

* Place of Publication: Iran

* Start Year: 1971

* Publish Type: Print & Online

* Frequency: Quarterly (three issues in Persian with English summaries and one in English)

* Type of Journal: Academic

* Articles Type: Research Article, Research Notes, Review

* Journal Language: Multi Language (Persian & English)

* Type of Access: Open Access

* Type of License: CC- BY-NC

* This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.

* Peer Review and Publication Cycle: Flow Diagram

* Plagiarism Detection Software: Samim Noor

* Article Processing Charges: Publication charges are required from the author (authors must pay 2,000,000 Iranian Rials for review costs. Authors must pay 4,000,000 Rials for publication after acceptance). 

* Peer Review Policy: Double blind peer review

Average refereeing time: 12 weeks

* Average Review Date: Journal Metrics

* Print ISSN: 2538-371X

* Online ISSN: 2538-3906

* E-mail: igtu-jnl@ut.ac.ir

* The Journal of  Earth and Space Physics has a collaborative agreement with the Iranian Geophysical Society