

Laboratory experiments have a specific significance in mInIng exploration to detemine electrical properties of rock specially in the intended parameters in IP procedure.
For the time being, IP geophysical procedure receives a specific significance in metallic ore deposits exploration. However, separation
of IP anomalies of massive from disseminated mineralization
according to the measured IP amounts with common procedures isn't possible. This research has been done on measurement of polarizability in the Taknar copper ore deposits. on the basis of laboratory experiment, polarizability has been measured in three
normal directions (A, B, C), and then the mean apparent polarizability in different time after cut off has been calculated. As a result of this operations, a model is presented on which by measuring apparent polarizability and then their mean in two early and late time after cut off (e. g. one 0.5 and the other 17 seconds after electricity
cut off and calculation of _ 17 ratio) We can separate the anomalies
TI 0.5
of the mineralizations.
The ratio specimens in massive mineralization is dramatically larger than disseminated mineralization. This result is used in mining exploration. It's necessary to state that the mean for apparent polarizability in 0.5 second after electricity cut off for massive and disseminated mineralization have a relatively high and approximately near each other amounts and so if only TJ 0.5 is measured, separation
between the apparent polarizability anomalies from the minerali¬zation point of view is not possible.
