Optimization of the source and receiver array in 2D acquisition of the Hoveizeh oil field■

Document Type : Research Article


Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14155-6466, Tehran, Iran


In seismic data acquisition, source and receiver array is used for attenuation of surface waves caused by the source. On the other hand regarding the spatial sampling, to prevent spatial aliasing, the wavelength should not be shorter than twice the trace interval. Therefore by designing a suitable source and receiver array one may suppress waves that are prone to aliasing. Thus, to further attenuate these phenomena (surface waves and aliasing) will be necessary to optimize arrays.
One of the ways to optimize source and receiver arrays is spatial convolution. In this method each complex array consists of several simple arrays which make a large array when joined together. By using simple arrays of 2 and 3 elements and putting the notch points of these arrays in side lobes of the final response of the array, the side lobes can be reduced. Considering that both source and receiver arrays can affect the amplitude of the generated waves, and the total effect of these arrays equates the summation of both effects in decibel, it is also possible to compute the effect of the source array on the final response of source and receiver arrays in order to optimize the final response of array.


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