Main Subjects = Meteorology
Post Processing of WRF Model Output by Cokriging Method for Minimum and Maximum Temperature in Iran

Volume 48, Issue 1, May 2022, Pages 227-242


Mojtaba Shokouhi; Ebrahim Asadi Oskouei; Mohammad Reza Mohammadpour Penchah

Application of Siemens Index of Green Cities for Selected Areas in Iraq

Volume 47, Issue 4, February 2022, Pages 177-185


Safaa Al-Swaiedi; Amani Altmimi; Ammar Alkhalidi

Autumn and Winter Extreme Precipitation Events and their Relationship with ENSO, NAO and MJO Phases over the West of Iran

Volume 47, Issue 4, February 2022, Pages 201-218


Toraj Jamshidi Khezeli; Abbas Ranjbar Saadat Abadi; Mohammad Ali Nasr-Esfahany; Sahar Tajbakhsh Mosalman; Ali Reza Mohebalhojeh

The Effect of Jet Stream Width on the Growth of Baroclinic Waves

Volume 47, Issue 3, November 2021, Pages 547-560


Ahmad Zadegh Abadi; Maryam Rezazadeh; Ali Mohammadi

Identification of precipitating clouds in the south and southwest of Iran using CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite observations

Volume 47, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 301-314


Fateme Fallahzade; Hassan Lashkari; Ali Reza Mahmoudian; Ali Akbar Matkan

Feasibility of the use of MODIS products for climatology of precipitable water vapor over Iran

Volume 47, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 355-370


Mahdi Modiri; Mohammad Rezaei; Mahdi Khazaei; Reza Arab Sahebi

Exploratory analysis and in-homogeneity study of temperature and rainfall series of meteorological stations in Iran (period 1989-2018)

Volume 47, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 387-407


Mohsen Rahmdel; Seyed Hossein Sanaeinejad; Zohreh Javanshiri; Azadeh Mohamadian

Statistical Evaluation of Cloud Seeding Operations in Central Plateau of Iran in the 2015 Water Year

Volume 47, Issue 1, April 2021, Pages 187-203


Banafsheh Zahraie; Hamed Poursepahy Samian; Mohsen Nasseri; S. Mahmood Taheri